What is a Zeolite?

Health Ranger’s Disturbing Lies about Zeolite

For the past few months, I’ve been hearing horrible things about zeolite from people, telling me not to take it because of insane amounts of lead and aluminum in it. People are often misinformed about zeolite because it is an aluminosilicate structure, so they assume aluminum is being absorbed by your body from the zeolite. It doesn’t! But I kept hearing this misinformation more and more lately, and it seemed like this rumor had to come from some recent source. Turns out, I was right. Mike Adams, the supposed “Health Ranger” and owner of naturalnews.com, is on a quest to destroy the reputation of zeolite for his own financial gain.

For years now, I’ve been taking my daily dose of zeolite and have maintained perfect health. It actually helped me defeat lifelong fatigue and depression- obviously caused by my toxic load. The amount of aluminum and lead that Adams claims zeolite leaches into the body are ASTRONIMCAL! People would be dead, or at least brain dead, from ingesting this amount of metals zeolite. Yet, I’m still alive, after all these years… So how did the Adams come up with these results?

First off, Mike Adams claims to be an independent journalist. Yet, he is now also a self-proclaimed chemist, doing lab experiments in his own personal lab… or as he puts it an “activist-turned-scientist.” I had no idea it was that easy to become a ‘scientist.’ I always thought you had to go to college for about nine to ten years and become an expert in a specific subject… But I guess just writing about whatever his heart desires on his website is good enough. So it makes so much sense that this guy is supposedly doing experiments in some lab. (Is this sounding crazy, or is it just me?!?)

Okay, so let’s pretend this guy has a proper lab and is really testing all of these products, including zeolite. What’s his motivation for buy hundreds of thousands of dollars in lab equipment, and spending time and money to test all these products? For the pure satisfaction of doing to good deeds and informing the public? (Can’t make much money to support his lab just doing this.) Of course not! It’s to sell his own product line. That’s right! It’s a total marketing game! He trashes the products of an entire industry because they all always have bad test results, and then says at the end of his articles, ‘Oh, by the way, here is my product which I personally tested in my lab and is the best around.’ Here is an example: At the end of his initial article on zeolite, and several other follow up articles, Adams promotes a cesium detox product, which contains zeolite and is just perfect for doomsday. Very SHADY (and a bit nutty), to say the least!
Speaking of nutty, Adams goes on in one article to threaten small zeolite companies with guns, proclaiming things along the lines of ‘Come and get me! I’m waiting for you with my gun fully loaded!’ These are not the words of a sane individual, and I’m not sure how anyone can take him seriously and believe any of the garbage he spews. Sounds more like he’s looking for trouble and trying to start a fight…

A little more nuttiness? Sure… why not? After people kept leaving comments on naturalnews.com about how illogical his articles were concerning zeolite, Adams decides to write another article declaring that zeolite only detoxes cesium, which just happens to be what he is selling his product for. What are the chances?! How can a mineral, which has a negative charge and attracts positively charged toxins only absorb one positively charged toxin (cesium supposedly) and nothing else? It doesn’t make any sense! Zeolite cannot pick and choose which toxin it absorbs. It’s a ridiculous notion, but Adams is an excellent BS artist and paints quite a good picture.

By the way, I also want to add that I attempted to challenge Adams’ insane-o theories about zeolite by leaving well informed, actual science based comments under a number of his articles that pointed out the numerous flaws in his ridiculous logic, but they were all never published! Any comment challenging him that was published was very tame, and didn’t get into details at all. And why would he publish anything that did challenge him? He obviously has absolutely no journalistic integrity. He is just a slick-talking salesman, disguised a true superhero looking out for the good of the people. He is purposely scaring the public and trying to take down an industry that can help protect us from the pollutants we face every day, which will ultimately keep us safe from illness and even cancer. But why should Adams care about your health when he’s looking to make a buck for himself? Probably because he needs to pay off his fake lab.